Sunday, March 1, 2020

English Murli 02/03/2020

02/03/2020 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban

Sweet children, you now have to return home. Therefore, forget your bodies and all your bodily relations and remember the one Father. This is the essence of the true Gita.

Question: What effort is easy for you children?
Answer: The Father says: You children must remain in absolute silence. It is only by remaining in silence that you will be able to receive inheritance from the Father. You have to remember the Father and spin the discus of self-realisation. By having remembrance of the Father, your sins will be absolved and your lifespan will increase and, by knowing the cycle, you will become rulers of the globe. This effort is easy for you.

Om Shanti The spiritual Father is once again explaining to the sweetest, spiritual children. He gives this explanation every day. You children understand that you are truly studying the knowledge of the Gita as you did a cycle ago. However, it is not Krishna who is teaching you; it is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is teaching you. He is now, once again, teaching you Raj Yoga. You are now listening to God directly. Everything for the people of Bharat depends on the Gita. It is written in that Gita that the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra was created. This is a sacrificial fire as well as a pathshala (place of study). When the Father comes and narrates the true Gita to us, we attain salvation. People do not understand this. You have to remember the Father who is the Bestower of Salvation for All. Although you have been studying the Gita, due to not knowing the Creator or creation, you have been saying, "neti, neti" (He is neither this nor that). Only the true Father comes and speaks the true Gita. These are matters that have to be churned. The attention of those who are engaged in service will be drawn to this very well. Baba has said that the words, "The Ocean of Knowledge, the Purifier, the Bestower of the Knowledge of the Gita, the Supreme Beloved, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Teacher, the Supreme Satguru, God Shiva speaks", should definitely be written on each picture. You must definitely write these words so that people are able to understand that only Trimurti Shiva, the Supreme Soul, and not Shri Krishna, is the God of the Gita. You take people's opinions on this subject. The Gita is the main one for us. The Father continues to give new points every day. You should not think: Why did Baba not tell us this before? It was not in the drama. You should select new points from Baba's murlis. People write of the "rise and fall ". In Hindi, you say "The rise and fall of Bharat". Rise means the construction of the deity dynasty; there is establishment of one hundred per cent purity, peace and prosperity. Then, after half a cycle, there is the fall, the fall into the devil dynasty. There is the rise and construction of the deity dynasty. You have to write the word " destruction" with fall. Everything for you depends on the Gita. Only the Father comes and narrates the true Gita to you. The Father explains this every day. You children are souls anyway. The Father says: Forget the expansion of those bodies and consider yourselves to be souls. When a soul becomes detached from his body, he forgets all his relations. Therefore, the Father also says: Forget all your bodily relations, consider yourselves to be souls, and remember Me, the Father. You now have to return home. For half a cycle, you have been performing so much devotion etc. just in order to return home. In the golden age, no one makes effort to return home. There, there is nothing but happiness. People say: Everyone remembers God at the time of sorrow but no one remembers Him at the time of happiness. However, they do not understand when there is happiness and when there is sorrow. All of our aspects are incognito. We are also the spiritual military. We are Shiv Baba's Shakti Army. No one can understand the meaning of this. They worship the deities etc. so much, but none of them knows anyone's biography. They should at least know the biography of the one they worship. The highest worship of all is that of Shiva. There are temples to Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar, then to Lakshmi and Narayan and then to Radhe and Krishna. There isn't anyone else. They have given so many different names to the one Shiv Baba and built so many temples. The entire cycle is now in your intellects. There are principal actors in a drama, but those are limited dramas, whereas this is the unlimited drama. You know who the principal ones are in this drama. People say: O Rama, the world was never even created. A scripture has been created about this too, but they don’t understand the meaning of it. The Father has taught you children how to make very easy efforts. The easiest effort is for you to remain in complete silence. Only by remaining in silence can each of you claim your inheritance from the Father. You have to remember the Father. You also have to remember the world cycle. Your sins will be absolved by having remembrance of the Father and you will become free from all disease; your lifespan will increase. By knowing the cycle, you become rulers of the globe. At present, you are the masters of hell; then you will become the masters of heaven. Every one of you becomes a master of heaven, but within that, there is then status. To the extent that you make others become like you, so you will accordingly claim a high status. If you do not donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge, what could you receive in return? When someone is wealthy, it is said that he gave good donations and performed charity in his past birth. You children now know that everyone commits sin in the kingdom of Ravan. The most charitable souls are Lakshmi and Narayan. Yes, even Brahmins are put on a high pedestal because they make everyone elevated. That is the fruition. You mouth-born creation of Brahma, the decoration of the Brahmin clan, are performing this elevated task on the basis of shrimat. Brahma's name is the main one. People speak of Trimurti Brahma. You now have to say, “Trimurti Shiva” in every case. People speak of establishment through Brahma, destruction through Shankar. They even create a variety-form image but they neither show Shiva nor the Brahmins in that. You children have to explain this too. It is with great difficulty that this sits accurately in the intellects of some of you children as well. There are many points which you also call topics. You receive so many topics. You become deities from human beings, the masters of the world, by listening to the true Gita from God. The topics are very good, but you also need the wisdom to be able to explain them. You should write these things clearly so that people can understand them and ask about them. This is so easy! Each point of knowledge is worth hundreds of thousands of rupees, and you become so great through them. There are multimillions (padam) in your every step. This is why they show deities with a lotus (padam). They have lost the name of you Brahmins, the mouth-born creation of Brahma. Those brahmin priests keep a Gita under their arms. Whereas they have the scriptures under their arms, you are true Brahmins and you keep the truth in your intellects. Therefore, you should have the intoxication that you are creating heaven on the basis of shrimat and that the Father is teaching you Raj Yoga. You do not have any books, but this simple badge is your true Gita. There is also the picture of the Trimurti on it, and so the whole Gita is included in that; the whole Gita is explained in a second. You can explain to anyone in a second with this badge: This is your Father and your sins will be absolved by remembering Him. When travelling by train or when walking, continue to explain this very well to whomever you meet: Everyone has the desire to go to the land of Krishna. You can achieve that through this study. The kingdom is established through this study. None of the other founders of religions establish a kingdom. You know that you study Raj Yoga now for your future 21 births. It is such a good study. You simply have to study it for one hour every day; that is all. Other studies are for four to five hours, but one hour is enough for this; and the morning time is such that everyone is free at that time. However, those who are in bondage and cannot come at that time may come at another time. You should always have a badge . Wherever you go, continue to give this message. You cannot put a badge in the newspapers. You can print one side of it in them. People are such that they will not be able to understand without your explaining it to them. It is very easy. Anyone can do this business. Achcha, even if you do not remember Baba, to remind others of Him is also good. Some tell others to become soul conscious, whereas they themselves remain in body consciousness, and so there is one sinful action or another performed. First, they have storms in their minds and then they put them into practice. Many storms will come into your minds, and so you have to use your intellects in this. You must never carry out any bad acts. You must only carry out good acts. There are good thoughts and bad thoughts, and so you should stop having bad thoughts. The Father has given you those intellects. No one else can understand this. They continue to carry out wrong acts. You now only have to carry out the right work. By making good effort you carry out right acts. The Father continues to explain everything very clearly. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Mateshwari’s elevated versions

The effort you must make to break karmic bondages.

Many people ask what they have to do to break their karmic bondages. The Father knows each one’s horoscope. Once you children have surrendered to the Father in your hearts, it is your duty to put all of your responsibilities into His hands. He would then look at each one and give advice accordingly as to what you need to do. You have to take His support in a practical way, but let it not be that you continue to listen to Him and also continue to follow your own dictates. The Father is in a corporeal form and so you children also have to take the support of the Father, Teacher and Guru in a physical way. It should not be that you are not able to follow the instructions you receive; there would then be more harm. You need courage to follow orders. The One who is making you move is the Entertainer and He knows in what there is benefit for you, and so He would give you directions accordingly on how to break your karmic bondages. None of you should then have any thoughts about what would happen to your children. Here, there is no question of leaving your home etc. Here, it was a matter of a few children having that part in the drama in order to break their bondages. If that were not part of the drama, then who would have served you as you are being served now? Now, there is no question of leaving anything, but you do have to belong to God. Do not be afraid! Have courage! Those who are afraid are neither able to remain happy nor able to be the helpers of the Father. Here, you have to become His full helpers. When you die alive, you will then be able to become His helpers. Then, if you get stuck somewhere, He will be able to help you and take you across. So, you have to become Baba’s helpers with your thoughts, words and actions. If there is the slightest string of attachment, it will make you fall. So, have courage and move ahead. When you are weak in having courage, you become confused. So, make your intellects absolutely pure. Let there not be the slightest trace of any vice. The destination is not far, but the ascent is a little twisted, so if you take the support of the Almighty, you will not be afraid and you won’t become tired. Achcha.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Each imperishable jewel of knowledge is worth hundreds of thousands and tens of millions of rupees. You have to accumulate an income of multimillions at every step by donating them. You have to claim a high status by making others the same as you.
2. In order to be saved from carry out sinful acts, make effort to remain soul conscious. If you ever have any bad thoughts in your mind, you have to stop them. You must have good thoughts. Do not ever carry out a wrong act with your sense organs.

Blessing: May you be a spiritual server and experience a yogyukt stage while doing service.
Brahmin life is a life of service. The elevated way to remain alive and safe from Maya is to do service. Service makes you yogyukt but not just service through words. To serve by becoming the embodiment of the sweet words you have heard, to do altruistic service, to serve through your renunciation and by becoming an embodiment of tapasya, to do altruistic service by going beyond limited desires: this is known as Godly or spiritual service. To serve with your mind as well as with your mouth means to become stable in the stage of “Manmanabhav”.

Slogan: By not looking at bodies, but looking at the incorporeal Father, you will become an image that attracts.

Mateshwari’s elevated versions
The effort you must make to break karmic bondages.

Many people ask what they have to do to break their karmic bondages. The Father knows each one’s horoscope. Once you children have surrendered to the Father in your hearts, it is your duty to put all of your responsibilities into His hands. He would then look at each one and give advice accordingly as to what you need to do. You have to take His support in a practical way, but let it not be that you continue to listen to Him and also continue to follow your own dictates. The Father is in a corporeal form and so you children also have to take the support of the Father, Teacher and Guru in a physical way. It should not be that you are not able to follow the instructions you receive; there would then be more harm. You need courage to follow orders. The One who is making you move is the Entertainer and He knows in what there is benefit for you, and so He would give you directions accordingly on how to break your karmic bondages. None of you should then have any thoughts about what would happen to your children. Here, there is no question of leaving your home etc. Here, it was a matter of a few children having that part in the drama in order to break their bondages. If that were not part of the drama, then who would have served you as you are being served now? Now, there is no question of leaving anything, but you do have to belong to God. Do not be afraid! Have courage! Those who are afraid are neither able to remain happy nor able to be the helpers of
the Father. Here, you have to become His full helpers. When you die alive, you will then be able to become His helpers. Then, if you get stuck somewhere, He will be able to help you and take you across. So, you have to become Baba’s helpers with your thoughts, words and actions. If there is the slightest string of attachment, it will make you fall. So, have courage and move ahead. When you are weak in having courage, you become confused. So, make your intellects absolutely pure. Let there not be the slightest trace of any vice. The destination is not far, but the ascent is a little twisted, so if you take the support of the Almighty, you will not be afraid and you won’t become tired.

Om Shanti

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